1. There is nothing wrong with our marriage; would we benefit from a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend?
The Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) Weekend is designed for couples who are committed to each other and want to make a good marriage great. If there is nothing wrong with your marriage, you don’t “need” a weekend – you DESERVE one.
2. What is the general structure of the WWME Weekend?
The WWME Weekend is a series of presentations by 3 couples and a priest followed by private time for you and your spouse to reflect and discuss the topic.
3. What sorts of meals are provided?
All meals are provided from Saturday Breakfast to Sunday Lunch. Medical dietary requirements or food allergies can be accommodated.
4. What do we need to bring?
Bring comfortable clothes and toiletries. At some venues you may need to bring your own linen. You will be informed of this once you have registered your interest.
5. Is there Mass daily?
There is Mass (Eucharistic Celebration) on both Saturday and Sunday. The priest is part of the presenting team and is also available for Reconciliation on request.
6. My spouse isn’t Catholic is that a problem?
The WWME Weekend is based on Catholic values but you do not have to be Catholic to participate.
7. What time do we need to arrive on the Friday night?
Between 7.00 and 7.30 pm
8. When does it finish on the Sunday?
Approximately 5.00 pm – confirm with your state’s contact couple.
9. Is it an option to go home on Saturday night?
Leaving the venue is not recommended as it is designed to free couples from the pressures of daily living.
10. I am a very private person; is there group sharing?
There is no group sharing. On a couple of occasions you will be offered the opportunity to share, but it is purely voluntary.
11. I am a priest / religious. What can I gain from a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend about marriage?
Participants in the WWME Weekend experience the wonderful blending of the two Sacraments; Matrimony and Holy Orders which continue to be a powerful force for the renewal of our Church. Worldwide Marriage Encounter teaches a technique of communication that helps each person to better relate to their spouse. For married couples that means each other. For you as a priest/ religious, your ‘spouse’ could be taken to mean everyone you have dedicated your life to. For your Weekend it would be great if you can invite along a priest/ religious friend, otherwise you would work on these techniques with the priest on the presenting team.
12. What does "marriage" mean to Worldwide Marriage Encounter?
WWME is faithful to the Catholic Church’s teaching that marriage is a covenant that exists between one man and one woman. Any reference to marriage or couple made by WWME is in this context.
13. I have another question, but there is no answer in the FAQs?
Feel free to contact your state point of contact
14. What about payment for the Weekend?
Prior to a WWME Weekend the only obligatory cost is a non-refundable Application Fee of $100. On the WWME Weekend, you will be asked to make a donation within your means, into a blank envelope. This donation will cover the expenses of accommodation, food, and materials for the weekend. While it depends on the venue for the weekend, to give you some idea, an average Australian live-in weekend can cost $590 per couple. With any new Virtual (on-line) weekend costs are a lot less. However, no couple is denied the opportunity of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend because of financial hardship. So, don't stay home because you aren't sure you can afford it! There is usually a limited capacity, so early registration is encouraged.